Saturday, June 10, 2006

A Boy and His Cat...

Dan and Susie, a "purr"fect love story!

Silly Girls Rule!

Will the REAL Green Penguin Please Stand Up!
Aimee, Katherine and Maggie with their cousin Erin

Jenny and Sam

Gee.... which movie should we go to tomorrow???
Sam and Jenny... Very Special Cousins!

Friday, June 09, 2006

My Beautiful Lord

Psalm 23:1 "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."

Lord, I am but a lamb in Your pasture, and I surrender all of my needs into Your care and into Your loving hands. Guide me along the right path, and show me the perfect resting places along the way. Please help me to drink from Your living water on the shores of the peaceful streams of Your love. May blessing and honor and favor be mine as Your beloved and chosen one, even in the midst of adversity and trial. Your goodness and love overwhelms me, Lord! I praise you for pursuing me in Your love, and for allowing me to dwell with You forever! (Psalm 79:13) I shall not want today, for with You I have been given everything! (2 Peter 1:3) In Jesus' precious name I pray, Amen.