Santa Barbara, California
The trip from Los Angeles along the coastline to Santa Barbara was gorgeous!
What's wrong with me? I have no problem referring back to the "olden days" on this one!
The Westmont campus is beautiful. It's nestled in the mountains amongst mansions. The gates on entrances to the homes in the neighborhood get taller, the closer to the college that you get! And let me tell you what... it's NOT to keep out the college rif raf! The only way I can describe the campus is to say it is absolutely lush. Tropical flowers are nestled in amongst the trees. It truly is a beautiful place.
This photo was taken after the pre-med program lunch on Thursday. Joseph's classes are all scheduled, and he is ready to go!
We're on our way to the bookstore! I want to find a couple of goodies to take home to the other kids... (shh, don't tell)!
Joseph's new home-away-from home!
Joseph and Keith, his new roomate. Keith is in the same course of study, also a freshman, and genuinely all around good guy! He and Joseph will have a good year, no doubt about it!
First priority for Joseph... Get the new computer up and running! Next, getting to the post office to pick up some boxes we'd shipped. The room looks great. Went and got a new refrigerator, school supplies, and all the "snackage" Joseph is always known for.
Santa Barbara... what a beautiful spot! Joseph sure is fortunate to call it home for the next four years. It really is beautiful, and YES, the beach is only 5 minutes away from the college.
Joseph and I had a wonderful dinner together Thursday night... Kind of our "last hurrah" before I leave on Friday night. We sat outside at the Santa Barbara Fish Co. which is right across the street from the beach. So as we shared our wonderful meal we watched the skateboarders along the beach and the swaying palms, enjoyed the light breeze, took in the fire pit next to us, and shared some good stories and laughs. Couldn't get much better than this. And the cioppino and calamari... delicious!