Sweet Aimee Faith... fashion princess, budding artist, and creative thinker! Also, beholder of a very gentle, sensitive heart. Aimee is kind, compassionate, and loving. She is truly a sweetheart.
Some of Aimee's favorite things in life are Chinese chicken, anything PINK, paints and crayons, her new coat from Papa and Grandma, Care Bears, and Polly Pocket.
Aimee's smile is precious as she's now missing her top four front teeth!
Aimee makes everyone smile, especially her big sister, Katherine. Her best friends in school are Lauren and Sara, and she loves Kali Jo like a sister.
Aimee loves the Lord Jesus with all of her heart.
hello Ms Aimee can't whistle right now!
I know how special you are, I have never known an Aimee with her name spelled like that!
Do you always pose for every picture???
have a great day today...Mr D
I have never heard of a dorky beside you, Mr. Dorky!
How are you, Mr. Dorky?
Don't worry about my whistling, I can still whistle! Can you believe that?
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