Happy Birthday, Sweet Katherine!
Here you are today, my beautiful nine year old! And here you are just five years ago when you were four!
You are growing up to be the dearest young lady you could ever be!
I am so proud of you!!
I love you, my "Kitty Kate"!!!!
A special day for a special girl. I am so glad I got to bring you flowers, and whisker kisses.
Thanks for letting me have cake and ice-cream too.
Dorky Don
oh I am sorry you are sprecious aren't you? not just special or precious.
Dear Dorky,
Thank you for coming to have cake and ice cream with us!
And you are sprecious, too!
Thank you for giving me the beautiful flowers, and spending the time from your busy day to come see me on my birthday.
I love my red ruby earrings.
Your friend Katherine
I should have said "Katherine Long Legs." Hope I didn't confuse you too much!
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