Friday, February 24, 2006


A prayer for Joseph...

Lord Jesus, thank you for Joseph. He is a gift from You to me, and I hold tight to this precious child, Your blessing.

Thank you for placing Your Holy Hands over Joseph. I see You guiding him, directing his path, and blessing his heart with desires that are from You. Thank you for shaping him into the young man that You desire for him to be. Thank you for pouring Your blessings over him, and his life. Thank you for the gifts You have given to him so abundantly.

Lord Jesus, please continue to direct Joseph's path according to the desires of Your heart. Speak to him, and give him the wisdom to hear Your voice. Guide his heart and his mind as he grows older, and makes life choices and decisions. Help him to desire to honor You in all that he does.

Thank you for Joseph's faith in You, our Most High God. Thank you for giving Joseph the gift of eternal life, a journey that began for Joseph over ten years ago now. Thank you for the gifts of Your Spirit which are so alive in his life. Bless him as he seeks to follow You, all the days of his life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Precious Girls

Practicing the Miss America wave...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Miss Sara Elizabeth... Happy Birthday Angel Baby!

Happy Birthday, Sara Elizabeth.

I love you, my precious baby girl.

February 13, 1998... One of the hardest days of my life, but also one of the sweetest. You were born still to me on Earth, but born alive into the loving arms of Jesus.

Sara, you are thought of and talked about all the time. Your brothers, sisters, and I all know that we will be reunited in Heaven, and we talk about meeting you, and recognizing you immediately! What a glorious day that will be!

Valentine's Days have been bittersweet since you came into my life. Today I will put a vase of beautiful flowers on the table in your honor. That's all I can do right now... but honoring your memory and your life as a gift from God is foremost on my heart today.

My heart rests knowing where you are and who you are with. I'm listening for that trumpet sound, it won't be long now... and then I will be able to tell you once again how much I love you.

I treasure this poem written by Linda Parker. The Lord gave her these words on the morning of your Memorial Service.


A Hug or Two

What can one say to comfort a loss so deep?
A life given in love, now fallen asleep.
Who can know the sorrow or pain
Of losing a little one before she came?
How do we come to say goodbye
To one who put a star in our eye?
Thinking of the love we would share
With the little one God put in our care?
Dear Father in Heaven, abounding in love
We look to you for grace from above.
Give us a glimpse of Heaven where she
Will laugh with joy on Your Holy Knee.
Help us in time to entrust back to You
This precious baby we have loved true.
In Heaven she'll have no tears to cry
Knowing she is the apple of her Father's eye.
To your arms of unending love
Our little one has flown free as a dove.
We wait for the day, You'll call us Home too
For she will be waiting for a hug or two.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Happy Birthday, Sam!

Happy Birthday, Samuel!
I can hardly believe that you are 11 years old today! The day you were born was one of the most precious days of my life! I was so proud of you then, but I am even more proud of you now! You are growing into being such a nice young man. You are a lot of fun to be with, Sam! I love it most when you laugh... especially when the giggles sneak up on you! We're going to have a great time celebrating your birthday on Friday night! Now, you guys all have to be in bed and have lights out at 10:00pm, ok?? (STOP LAUGHING!) Ok, I'll tell you what, for your birthday, I'll let you stay up a little later... but just a little... as long as you'll let me whoop you and your friends in a Tetris game, or two! I'm looking forward to those root beer floats as much as you are! I love you, my Samuel!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Grandma and Papa

Grandma and Papa, we love you!