Thursday, March 08, 2007

New Eyes in Christ...

Thank you, John Fischer, for some beautiful examples of how our eyes in Christ look at things we experience in our lives...

A follower of Christ looks at:

death and thinks life,
losing and thinks winning,
tragedy and thinks opportunity,
brokenness and thinks humility,
accidents and thinks purpose,
coincidence and thinks destiny,
despair and thinks hope,
poverty and thinks wealth,
wealth and thinks poverty,
failure and thinks success,
the seen and thinks about the unseen,
history and thinks God's story,
science and thinks God's laws,
psychology and thinks Christ's wisdom,
anthropology and thinks God's image,
astronomy and thinks God's heavens,
the human body and thinks God's dwelling place,
war and thinks man's rebellion,
the cross and thinks everything made new,
truth and thinks Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always wonder how non-believers survive "this" world, let alone have hope for the future.

glass half full??? no, my cup runs over from blessings poured into it.